Fast in
every way
that matters

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Speed past the competition

Gatsby.js builds the fastest possible website. Instead of waiting to generate pages when requested, pre-build pages and lift them into a global cloud of servers — ready to be delivered instantly to your users wherever they are.

Nothing new to learn here

Enjoy the power of the latest web technologies – React.js , Webpack , modern JavaScript and CSS and more — all set up and waiting for you to start building.

Grow and build your ideas

Waste no more time on tooling and performance. Focus on the the site you want to build and nothing more.

Gatsby is fast in every way that matters.

Used by biggest in tech

The Team

Josh Peck

Josh Peck


Lisa Haydon

Lisa Haydon

Art Director

Ashlyn Harris

Ashlyn Harris

Frontend Engineer

Todd Joseph

Todd Joseph


Martin White

Martin White

Backend Engineer

Rose Leslie

Rose Leslie


Frequently Asked Questions

Enjoy the power of the latest web technologies – React.js , Webpack , modern JavaScript and CSS and more — all set up and waiting for you to start building
Gatsby’s rich data plugin ecosystem lets you build sites with the data you want — from one or many sources: Pull data from headless CMSs, SaaS services, APIs, databases, your file system, and more directly into your pages using GraphQL.
Gatsby.js is Internet Scale. Forget complicated deploys with databases and servers and their expensive, time-consuming setup costs, maintenance, and scaling fears. Gatsby.js builds your site as “static” files which can be deployed easily on dozens of services.
Do not build a website with last decade’s tech. The future of the web is mobile, JavaScript and APIs—the JAMstack. Every website is a web app and every web app is a website. Gatsby.js is the universal JavaScript framework you’ve been waiting for.
Gatsby.js is a static PWA (Progressive Web App) generator. You get code and data splitting out-of-the-box. Gatsby loads only the critical HTML, CSS, data, and JavaScript so your site loads as fast as possible. Once loaded, Gatsby prefetches resources for other pages so clicking around the site feels incredibly fast.
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